Proxima Centauri visited by Minister, the Mayor of Odense, Entrepreneurial Organizations and Journalists
In preparation of this years Global Entrepreneurship Week in Odense, Proxima Centauri were paid a visit by a group of prominent people comprising the Minister of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs Simon Kollerup, the Mayor of Odense Peter Rahbæk Juel, and a number of representatives from key organizations in Denmark. The CEO of Proxima Centauri, Jan Pedersen, gave a walkthrough of the company and commented on the symbiotic collaboration with Egatec A/S, providing Proxima Centauri with facilities and support.

Last year, at the culmination of the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Odense, Proxima Centauri was awarded the Iværksætter Odense entrepreneurship prize, for our sorting solutions for the natural casing industry.