Proxima Centauri signs contract for delivery of four SelectiCa Sorter P1s
Proxima Centauri has signed its first contract for the delivery of four SelectiCa Sorter P1s, our flagship automated caliber measurement and sorting solution for pork casings, to a major European operator in the natural casing industry. The SelectiCa Sorter P1 is the first-ever sorting solution for casings to hit the public market.

The contract represents a paradigm shift in the natural casing industry, that traditionally have proved extremely difficult to automate. The intricate nature of handling natural casings, measuring their caliber and sorting them, has for a long time necessitated labour-intensive and expensive sorting processes. Through the research, innovation and development of new, patented technologies from Proxima Centauri, it has been possible to drive the engineering of a highly automated sorting solution for natural casings, the SelectiCa Sorter P1, the first of its kind available on the international market.
In addition to the release of the SelectiCa Sorter P1, the team at Proxima Centauri has also been working on new technologies and accessories that will be released to the public soon.
For more information on the SelectiCa Sorter P1, please visit the product page, or contact CEO Jan Pedersen on