2 million DKK in EU funding for Proxima Centauri
Proxima Centauri is delighted to announce that it will receive 2 million DKK in funding from the EU Eurostars programme. The funding is given to develop an additional robotic solution to the existing SeletiCa Sorter P1 which measures the caliber, cuts and sorts casings. The additional robot will be a pick-upper, that will work together with the SelectiCa Sorter P1 to feed natural casings into the system.
To achieve the funding, Proxima Centauri reached out to Erhvervshus Fyn and through a collaboration with Det Syddanske EU-Kontor, Proxima Centauri received the necessary guidance to develop the application for the EU Eurostars programme.

CEO of Proxima Centauri, Jan Pedersen, came with the following statement:
The new robotic solution will be developed in collaboration with Lund University in Sweden, who will help with the development of software and cameras necessary to control the robot.
In addition to the funding from the Eurostars Programme, Proxima Centauri has also received funding from Innovation Fund Denmark, Erhvervshus Fyn and Robot Union.